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Why Isn't My Hedgehog Eating?

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

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If you're a concerned African pygmy hedgehog owner, you might be wondering why your little spiky friend has suddenly lost their appetite. In this article, we'll delve into the potential reasons behind your hedgehog's decreased eating habits and provide actionable solutions to help get your pet back on track to a healthy diet.

Possible Reasons for a Hedgehog Not Eating

  1. Stress and Environment Changes: African pygmy hedgehogs are sensitive creatures, and changes in their environment can lead to stress-induced appetite loss. Factors like a new cage arrangement, loud noises, or even a new family member could be causing your hedgehog to feel uneasy.

  2. Illness or Pain: Health issues can significantly impact your hedgehog's appetite. Dental problems, gastrointestinal discomfort, or other ailments might be making eating a painful experience for your pet.

  3. Hibernation Instinct: Hedgehogs have a natural tendency to enter a hibernation-like state if they feel conditions are becoming colder. This could lead to reduced appetite as they prepare to conserve energy. Hibernation for African Pygmy Hedgehogs can be fatal, so your hedgehog needs emergency attention.

Observing and Assessing Your Hedgehog

  1. Monitor Behavior: Keep an eye on your hedgehog's behavior. Is it still active and moving around? Any changes in its playfulness or overall demeanor could provide insights into its eating habits.

  2. Check for Signs of Illness: Watch out for signs like lethargy, weight loss, changes in poop consistency, or unusual discharges. These could indicate an underlying health issue.

  3. Temperature and Environment: Ensure your hedgehog's environment is warm and comfortable, as low temperatures can discourage eating. The cage should be at least 75 F° (23.9 C°).

Other Gastrointestinal Issues and Appetite Loss

  1. Gastrointestinal Infections: Gastrointestinal infections, often caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses, can disrupt your hedgehog's digestive system. Symptoms might include diarrhea, vomiting, and, notably, a loss of appetite. These infections can be serious and require prompt veterinary attention.

  2. Constipation: Just like in humans, constipation can affect hedgehogs too. If your pet is struggling to pass stool, they might feel uncomfortable and lose their appetite. Ensure their diet includes adequate fiber and hydration to prevent constipation.

  3. Impaction: Impaction occurs when foreign objects, like bedding or food, block your hedgehog's digestive tract. This can lead to discomfort and a decreased desire to eat. Regular cage cleaning and providing safe bedding materials can help prevent impaction.

  4. Digestive Obstruction: Objects that are accidentally ingested and too large to pass through the digestive tract can cause blockages. Appetite loss may be accompanied by vomiting and lethargy. If you suspect obstruction, consult your vet immediately.

  5. Intestinal Motility Disorders: Hedgehogs can suffer from disorders that affect the movement of food through their intestines. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including appetite loss. Only a veterinarian can diagnose and treat these complex issues.

  6. Gastrointestinal Upset: Abrupt changes in diet or the introduction of new foods can upset your hedgehog's stomach. This might lead to a temporary loss of appetite until their system adjusts.

  7. Excessive Gas: Gastrointestinal gas buildup can cause discomfort and appetite loss in hedgehogs. If you notice bloating, changes in behavior, or abdominal discomfort, consult a vet.

Actionable Steps to Encourage Eating

  1. Offer Variety: Hedgehogs can be picky eaters, so try offering a variety of safe and nutritious foods. High-quality hedgehog food, insects, and occasional fruits are good options. We recommend the brand Hedgehog Precision. Please note we are not affiliated or sponsored with them in any way, we just think they are the best!

  2. Create a Stress-Free Zone: Minimize changes in their environment and provide hiding spots in their cage to help them feel secure.

  3. Consult a Veterinarian: If your hedgehog's appetite loss lasts more than one day, consult a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets. They can diagnose any underlying health issues and recommend appropriate treatment.

  4. Hand-feeding: Gently hand-feed your hedgehog to encourage eating. This can also strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

Remember, any significant change in your hedgehog's eating patterns should be taken seriously. While some issues might be minor and easily addressed, others could indicate severe health problems. If your hedgehog's appetite loss persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consulting a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets is the best course of action.

Getting Your Hedgehog Back on Track

Understanding why your African pygmy hedgehog isn't eating is the first step to helping them regain their appetite. By considering factors like stress, health, and environmental changes, you can take the right actions to ensure your spikey friend gets the care it needs. Remember, if you're ever unsure or concerned, don't hesitate to consult a professional veterinarian who can guide you toward the best solution.


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