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Hedgehog FAQs

  • How to have a happy hedgehog
    Hedgehogs are a unique pet that has unique needs. You can keep your hedgie happy and healthy by ensuring they have the following things: Fresh water and food daily A clean and spacious cage A warm, temperature-controlled environment - between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Never let your hedgehog's environment get colder than 73 degrees, or they can go into hibernation which can lead to death. A safe place to hide and sleep during the day Daily exercise outside the cage The occasional healthy treat! Tunnels and Toys to explore and play with Unconditional love and cuddles!
  • Is my hedgehog hibernating?
    Unlike wild European hedgehogs, pet hedgehogs cannot hibernate because their metabolism does not allow it. In fact, allowing a pet hedgehog to enter into hibernation (torpor) can be dangerous. Due to their small size, hedgehogs are susceptible to health problems when their body temperature drops too low. This can lead to dehydration, organ damage, and even death. Pet hedgehogs also have a higher risk of developing pneumonia while in hibernation. For these reasons, it's crucial that you do everything you can to prevent your pet hedgehog from a hibernation attempt! There are several signs that a hedgehog is preparing for hibernation including decreased activity levels, increased sleeping, lack of appetite/thirst, and shedding quills. If you are unsure about anything or if you have any concerns about your hedgie's health please contact a professional! Read more HERE!
  • What do hedgehogs eat?
    We recommend Hedgehog Precision as the best food you can buy for your hedgehog! *We are not affiliated with them or sponsored in any way.* In the wild, hedgehogs get most of their food from insects. Pet African Pygmy Hedgehogs thrive on a combination of meat-based wet dog or cat foods, or dry cat/kitten food, as these are high in the protein that they need. The average adult healthy hedgehog's food should look like this: The protein content should be greater than 20%. The fat content should be between 5% and 15%. The fiber content should be around 15%. Do not ever feed your hedgehog pizza, like in the cute and silly GIF below! Other toxic foods you should never feed a hedgehog are: Milk Avocado Bread Raw meat Citrus fruit Raisins Onion Grapes Nuts & seeds Chocolate Junk food Raw egg yolk Spicy food Grapes Avocados
  • How long do hedgehogs live?
    Sadly these little guys do not have as long of a life span as a dog or a cat. Most hedgehogs live between 3 - 6 years, though some have lived longer! They are very prone to cancers, dental issues, internal and external parasites, ringworm, pneumonia, gastrointestinal disease, and obesity. It is crucial you establish a relationship with a local exotic veterinarian who has experience with hedgehogs. Getting your hedgehog used to being handled will help make future vet visits go smoothly. These sweet little creatures tend to hide their illnesses, so when in doubt, take them to the clinic to get checked out! If you need to find a hedgehog-approved veterinarian in your area, please reach out to us for recommendations. With a good diet, lots of exercise and out-of-cage play time, you are giving your hedgehog the best chance at living to a quilly old age! Here's to many birthdays ahead for your special friend!
  • Are hedgehogs noisy?
    While hedgehogs are generally quiet creatures, they do make noise. These sounds can range from soft clicks and purrs to louder snuffling and grunting noises. Being able to interpret these sounds will help you better understand and care for your pet hedgehog: Clicking Sounds Purring Sounds Grunting Sounds Hissing Sounds Sneezing Sounds Read more HERE!
  • Do hedgehogs get bored?
    Keeping your African pygmy hedgehog active and happy involves a combination of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and supervised exploration. Introducing digging spaces in your hedgehog's cage isn't just about providing a fun activity – it's about respecting their natural instincts and promoting their mental and emotional well-being. By offering these burrowing spots, along with exercise wheels, enrichment activities, and safe exploration, you're creating a holistic environment that lets your African pygmy hedgehog thrive in captivity. Read more HERE!
  • What does healthy hedgehog poop look like?
    Hedgehog poop can provide insights into your pet's health. Consider these points: Appearance: Hedgehog poop is usually dark, cylindrical, and pointed. Frequency: Hedgehogs typically poop once or twice daily, but habits can vary. Consistency: Healthy hedgehog poop should be firm. Loose/watery poop may indicate digestive issues or an improper diet. Contents: Hedgehog poop may contain undigested food, like insect exoskeletons. This is normal. Odor: Hedgehog poop has a mild musky smell. A strong/foul smell may indicate illness. Read more HERE!
  • Can hedgehogs be litter trained?
    The answer is yes! Hedgehogs are intelligent and can be litter-trained with a little patience and consistency. It may take a few days or even weeks for your hedgehog to start using the litter box, but don't give up! It is crucial for the health of your pet that you keep their environment clean, and bathe them when needed. With time and patience, your hedgehog will learn to use its litter box just like any other pet! Read more HERE!
  • How do I heat my hedgehog's cage?
    As cute and cuddly as hedgehogs are, they are also very delicate creatures. Unlike European Hedgehogs that goes into hibernation, African Pigmy hedgehogs are not equipped to withstand cooler temperatures. This is why it is important to make sure that their cages are heated properly at all times. Read more HERE!
  • How do I set up my hedgehog's cage?
    Hedgehogs are relatively low maintenance animals, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when setting up their cage. Hedgehogs Need Space to Run Around Hedgehogs Need a Warm Environment Hedgehogs Need a Place to Hide & Burrow Hedgehogs Need Proper Light Cycles Hedgehogs Need Safe Bedding Hedgehogs Need A Clean Environment Hedgehogs Need a Heat Source in Their Cage Read more HERE!
  • How do I deal with losing my hedgehog?
    Losing a pet hedgehog can be a very difficult and emotional experience. Remember that it is okay to feel sad, and that with time, the pain will lessen, but the memories of your beloved pet will remain. Allow yourself to grieve Talk to someone Create a memorial Take care of yourself Seek support from others who have lost a pet hedgehog Consider fostering another pet or helping with a rescue Read more HERE!
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